Discovering a New Path: Gawinoh Parker’s Journey with Waldorf and Mohawk Education

Gawinoh Parker, a proud member of the Mohawk Turtle Clan, embarked on a transformative journey nearly eight years ago. Moving to the Six Nations community, her mission was clear: to learn the Cayuga language, having grown up speaking Mohawk. Today, she stands as a dedicated educator at the Everlasting Tree School, a Waldorf-inspired Mohawk immersion school, where she has seamlessly woven together the threads of Waldorf education and Mohawk traditions.

A New Beginning

When Gawinoh first arrived at the Everlasting Tree School, Waldorf education was an unfamiliar territory. With the guidance of her mentor and the support of her colleagues, Gawinoh immersed herself in the principles of Waldorf education. Together, they crafted a unique curriculum that beautifully integrates Waldorf methods with the rich cultural heritage of the Mohawk people. Gawinoh and Diane began their mentorship together when Gawinoh was in the First Grade.

Creating a Fully Immersive Environment

Diane has watched Gawinoh grow into an exceptional teacher, creating an immersive Mohawk environment that includes traditional crafts, grammar, and math—all taught in Mohawk. Gawinoh’s classroom is a place where cultural heritage comes alive, and her teaching methods leave a lasting impact on her students.

A Memorable Experience

One particularly memorable experience Gawinoh shared was when her class participated in skinning two deer provided by a parent. This hands-on lesson was not just about the mechanics of the task but also about cultural respect and the significance of using every part of the animal. Through this activity, students learned knife safety, meat preparation, and the importance of gratitude and respect for nature. The experience was enriched with storytelling and drawings, making it a profound learning moment that resonated deeply with the students.

Blending Waldorf and Mohawk Traditions

The Everlasting Tree School’s approach is a harmonious blend of Waldorf education’s focus on natural materials and storytelling with Mohawk cultural practices. This combination has proven to be highly effective, as evidenced by the students’ enthusiasm and engagement in activities like harvesting corn and learning traditional dances.

Reclaiming the Mohawk Language

For Gawinoh, reclaiming the Mohawk language is a vital mission. She notes that many students come from families who wholeheartedly support their language learning journey. The immersive environment at the school plays a crucial role in helping students become more fluent in Mohawk over time.

Daily Routines and Academic Excellence

In Gawinoh’s classroom, the day begins with a morning circle where students recite the Thanksgiving address and perform social or ceremonial dances. This routine fosters a strong sense of community and cultural continuity. Beyond cultural teachings, Gawinoh ensures that her students excel in academic subjects like reading and math. She challenges the misconception that immersion education hinders academic progress, proudly noting that her students are proficient readers and are progressing well in their studies.

A Unique and Enriching Educational Experience

Diane’s admiration for Gawinoh’s teaching methods continues to grow. She emphasizes the successful integration of Waldorf principles with Mohawk traditions, creating a unique and enriching educational experience. Through her dedication and innovative approach, Gawinoh Parker is not only preserving the Mohawk language and culture but also inspiring the next generation to embrace their heritage with pride and confidence.